The Congolese History has become victim of revisionism by foreign parasitic forces with the intention of Balkanising the Democratic Republic of Congo, hiding behind the tribe of Banyarwanda. Having a language spoken in DR Congo that sounds like Kinyarwanda, doesn’t automatically qualify the speakers to be Banyarwanda. Its mainly the Rwanda criminal regime and its lackeys pushing Pseudohistory under Congolese throats.

BanyarwandaWhat Rwandese Pseudo Historians have failed to explain to the world, is how DR Congo came to have a Language that sounds like Kinyarwanda?! What’s even pathetic, they can’t account for the difference in dialects of the so called “Kinyarwanda speakers”.

BanyarwandaYes,  several times I’ve listened and watched all walks of Rwandese society passionately engaging themselves in the politics of DR Congo, especially North Kivu. To my disappointment , no one has ever articulated the Congolese History prior to colonialism. What most so called Rwandese analysts (Abasesenguzi) tend to yapp about; is the history from Mobutu to Félix Antoine Tshisekedi Tshilombo periods.

The common thing they all tend to say-referring to the so called Kinywaranda speakers, ” Those people in North Kivu that speak a language that wants to resemble ours”. Note: Wants to resemble and Not resembles.


Its mostly the Rwanda cabal and its terrorist outfits that always imposes the term “Kinyarwanda speakers” on Congolese to justify their criminality in Congo.  However,  we should not forget migrations of Rwandese (Asylum seekers and economic migrants) to DR Congo from late 1950s to 1994.  Still, that does not qualify Kinyarwanda to be a native language of Congo.

The only group of people that would have had credibility to articulate the Kinyarwanda History are the Twa people.  But because of the systematic genocide that has been committed on them, the dead can’t speak, and their descendants have been buried alive and left to die a slow humiliating death by everyone. 

Due to institutional discrimination and prejudices towards the Twa, no one (Mostly African fascists) has bothered to find out their great contribution to the African Civilisation. I’ll post a full article on Twa contribution to the world soon.

No Tribe called Banyarwanda in Congo

I’ve always asked myself, what went wrong in North kivu that has turned communities into monsters?!

I remember as a child, when I would leave Uganda (boarding school) for holidays back home in Congo, the moment I arrived in Bunagana, already people in Jomba to Rutshuru knew that Jojo was in town. Unlike today, the population density was low…very low. Sometimes It amazes me where all those new people came from.


I always found myself a subject of interest from Hutu, Tutsi and Twa. Our home always had Tutsi, Hutu and Twa visitors coming in and going-out. Its when I would go back to school in Uganda or visit Rwanda, that I would encounter the differences in people, as I was always a victim of profile harassment. That harassment would instil revolutionary tendencies in me at an early age. Being revolutionary is not only about fighting and overthrowing regimes. But travelling, researching and educating oneself. Thus, I was empowered with empathy at an early age to understand the plight of African people.

Linguistics have studied the Abahutu mother tongue and languages of many other African people in eastern, central and southern Africa. They have discovered that these people shared with Abahutu the expression “ntu” when relating to a human being including Swahili “muTU”, Shona (muNHU”), Bemba, Nyanja,Ndebele, Zulu, Xosa, etc.


Many scientists are now studying in-depth the hypothesis that Bahutu are actually one of the greatest ethnic “Abantu” (Bantus) and that they are the major components of the Bantu people. These findings would be useful in The Democratic Republic of Congo as discussed below.

Abahutu originally were part of the great empire that extended from actual south-west Uganda to Eastern DRC, to Rwanda, to Burundi and to north-western Tanzania. This empire was divided into kingdoms that were administered and led by the “umwami” (resulting in the word umwami meaning a king). In some parts of Eastern DRC, the descendants of the “umwami” are still leading the Abahutu community.


The Abahutu kingdom was kind of independent. One would say in today’s language that there was federalism in the Abahutu Empire. The most close kingdoms to the Congolese abahutu organisational structure were the Hutu kingdoms in North-Rwanda (in the Bushiru, Murera, Bukamba, Buhoma, Bugoyi) and in South-West Uganda (in the Bufumbira). All these kingdoms spoke the same language. There are three hypotheses on the language that was spoken by Abahutu originally. Some schools think it is “kihutu”, others say it is “Kinyarwanda” (the actual Rwandan national language), and others stipulate that it is “kibantu”.


Linguistics agree that in the African philosophy the language is named after the kind of tribe who speaks it. Thus Kihunde is spoken by Bahunde ( in Masisi eastern Congo-DRC), Kinande by Banande(eastern Congo-DRC), Kikuyu by Kikuyu people(Kenya), Kikongo by Bakongo (western DRC & Congo Brazzaville & Angola), Tshiluba by Baluba (in Kassai and Katanga DRC), kibemba by Babemba (DRC & Zambia), Kinyanja by Banyanja (Zambia), Kishona by Bashona (in Zimbabwe) , Kindebele by Bandebele(in Zimbabwe), Kizulu by BaZulu (in South Africa), Kirega by Barega (in Eastern DRC),Kishi (Mashi) by Bashi (in Eastern DRC), Kiganda by Baganda (Uganda), Kikiga by bakiga (Uganda) etc. Based on the roots of the word Abantu discussed above, most of linguistics and scientists agree that the original language of Bahutu people is “Kihutu” (i.e. Kibantu spoken by Abahutu). Seemingly the Kihutu is the language spoken by the Bahutu people (in Eastern DRC).


Linguistics however identify numerous horizontal variations within the kihutu language. Thus depending on the region, the kihutu acquires the name of the place where it is spoken and most of the time is “renamed” after that place. Kihutu in Rusthuru is commonly known as kinyabwisha from the Bwisha county-Eastern DRC and Kisanza from the Busanza County/Rutshuru eastern Congo-DRC. In ancient Rwanda the kihutu was called gishiru from bushiru northern Rwanda, kirera from Burera northern Rwanda, kigoyi from Bugoyi -northern Rwanda. Latter in Rwanda the kihutu was called “kinyarwanda” from actual Rwanda, “Kirundi” from actual Burundi.


Thus Kinyarwanda and Kirundi are a mere horizontal variation of the original kihutu language. However these two languages became national languages in both Rwanda and Burundi and underwent an advanced academic transformation and enrichment compared to the kihutu spoken in Eastern DRC or South-west Uganda. It thus resulted in vertical variation in different Kihutu dialects (horizontal variances).This sets a vertical variation between the Kirundi and Kinyarwanda on one hand and the other Bahutu languages in Eastern and south-west Uganda. The Tutsi and Twa spoke Kihutu. It seems these two ethnic groups lost their original mother tongue due to the principle of majority and integration observed in communities.

Kinyarwanda being a Congolese language is a wrong school of thought and the Congolese government has to work hard to educate all the Mobutu generation and the subsequent generations about the right school of thought. Kinyarwanda is just a horizontal variation of the Abantu original language that was rendered a national language in Rwanda by the Rwandan Hutu regime soon after independence of Rwanda in 1962.

In recent research scientists stipulate that it would be beneficial to the Congolese government to draw a policy to emphasise the fact that “Abahutu are Congolese not transplants aliens, have the rights in DRC as any other citizen of DRC and speak “Kihutu”. The Kihutu should be known amongst the 332 Congolese dialects as a language spoken by Abahutu people. Thus the false umbilical cord mistakenly linking Abahutu to Rwandese would be eradicated from the minds of Congolese people taken in hostage by the Mobutu controversial rules on citizenship. Reviving the Kihutu in the Congo DRC would justify the essence of multiple studies done by linguistics on African languages.

Today you find the Kihutu speakers of Mulenge (Banyamulenge) being called Kinyarwanda speakers. Thus, all Kihutu speakers labelled Banyarwanda.

Its Rwanda tribal supremacists and their colonial gang masters that have distorted the term Hutu and relegated it to ethnicity in order to subjugate and exploit their own people.


That’s why they can’t comprehend that Kihutu is their real mother language and culture, and many after reading these facts, they’ll throw endless tantrums.

Thus, parasitic social classes called Hutu and Tutsi were manufactured by colonial gangsters to enslave the mindset of indigenous people-the great history of Abahutu would be relegated to oblivion.

BanyarwandaBwisha did exist prior to European colonisation, it was politically economical and socially developed than Rwanda, It had its customs, and was a sovereign nation.

The Belgian colonialists have distorted the truth and termed Banyabwisha as a tribe based in Kivu, and purely an autonomous Hutu principality.

In the mindset of the Banyabwisha, the Mwami was much considered to be incomparable, a centre around which all Bwisha life evolved , coordinated all activities such as; political, economic, cultural, religious, and social. The removal of the king, something that had never happened in the history of Bwisha was considered a curse and would haunt the land in years to come.

Its always better to stand alone with the truth, than in the crowd with liars and traitors.

‘If you want to know where you’re going, you have to first know where you come from, ” African proverb.


Joram Jojo
