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In the capital of Rwanda, a gathering of influential figures convenes under the banner of the Africa CEO Forum. On the surface, the event promises to foster economic growth and collaboration across the continent. However, beneath the veneer of progress and unity, there lies a starkly different reality.

Africa CEO Forum

The assembly, rather than being a catalyst for African economic independence, has become a stage for parasitic capitalism, where the elite sit at the table and their fellow Africans are reduced to mere pawns in a grander scheme of exploitation.

The Illusion of Progress:

The Africa CEO Forum, held in Rwanda, purports to be a forum for the continent’s business leaders to exchange ideas and strategies for propelling Africa forward. However, it is becoming increasingly evident that the forum serves as a veil for the entrenched interests of a select few.

Africa CEO Forum

The CEOs and policymakers who attend this event espouse the language of development and cooperation, yet their actions frequently align more closely with imperialist doctrines than with the genuine advancement of African economies.

The Role of Criminal Paul Kagame:

At the helm of this charade stands Rwanda’s Dictator, Criminal Paul Kagame, who has been lauded by some as a visionary leader driving Rwanda’s economic renaissance.

Africa CEO Forum

However, Criminal Paul Kagame’s participation in the Africa CEO Forum is nothing more than a calculated move to whitewash his tarnished reputation.

Africa CEO Forum

Accusations of a genocide in DR Congo, human rights abuses and suppression of dissent are conveniently overshadowed by the forum’s glamorous facade, allowing Criminal Kagame to masquerade as a progressive leader while his government’s actions tell a different story.

The Stumbling Block to Economic Independence:

The Africa CEO Forum should be a driving force for change, breaking down the barriers that have long hindered Africa’s economic independence. Instead, it has become a stumbling block, a gathering where the continent’s wealth and potential are carved up by those already in power. The CEOs and executives in attendance, many of whom have profited handsomely from the status quo, are reluctant to implement the systemic changes necessary for true economic liberation. As a result, the forum has become an echo chamber of empty promises, leaving the majority of Africans on the outside looking in.

The Reality of Exploitation:

The harsh reality is that while the Africa CEO Forum is taking place, countless Africans continue to toil for paltry wages, trapped in a cycle of poverty and exploitation. The continent’s resources and labor are exploited, with the profits lining the pockets of a privileged few.

Africa CEO Forum

This exploitation is the unspoken backdrop of the forum, a truth that is ignored amidst the talk of investment and opportunity. The promise of economic growth and development remains an elusive dream for the majority, as the forum does little to address the systemic issues that perpetuate inequality and injustice.

Unmasking the Paradox of Prosperity: A Critical Look at Africa’s Economic Landscape

The narrative of Africa’s economic landscape is often painted with the broad strokes of burgeoning middle classes and rapid population growth. Yet, beneath the veneer of optimistic projections lies a more disconcerting reality. The continent, rich in resources and potential, continues to grapple with the specter of economic stagnation. At the heart of this paradox are the parasitic capitalists, a cohort of elites whose actions and decisions have far-reaching implications for the trajectory of African economies. As they convene in Kigali, Rwanda, their actions and the rhetoric they espouse warrant a critical examination.

The Illusion of Inclusion: “At the Table or on the Menu”

The phrase “At the table or on the menu” has become a rallying cry for African leaders seeking to assert their place in the global economic order. However, this sentiment rings hollow when uttered by the very individuals whose practices contribute to the continent’s economic woes. The irony is not lost on those who observe the stark contrast between the opulent lifestyles of these elites and the daily struggles of the African populace.

The Role of Parasitic Capitalism in Africa’s Economic Woes

Parasitic capitalism in Africa is characterized by a class of wealthy individuals and corporations that prioritize personal gain over the collective economic health of their nations.

Africa CEO Forum

They siphon profits, often amassed through dubious means, to Western capitals and offshore accounts, depriving their countries of much-needed capital for development. This practice not only undermines the continent’s economic progress but also exacerbates income inequality and social unrest.

The Impact of Obscene Profits and Self-Awarded Bonuses

The self-enrichment of Africa’s parasitic capitalists is not without consequence. The obscene profits and exorbitant bonuses they award themselves could, if redirected, empower disadvantaged communities to rise above the quagmire of chronic poverty. Instead, these funds are hoarded or spent on luxury goods and services, contributing little to the local economy or the well-being of the broader population.

Rwanda’s Economic Reality: A Case Study

Rwanda’s Minister of State in charge of Public Investment and Resource Mobilisation, Jeanine Munyeshuli, claims that Africa is home to the fastest-growing middle class and population. However, this statement demands scrutiny, particularly in the context of Rwanda. While the country has made strides in certain areas, the growth of the middle class remains questionable. The reality of abject poverty and inequality casts a long shadow over the narrative of progress and prosperity.

The Disparity Between Rhetoric and Reality

The disconnect between the rhetoric of African leaders and the lived experiences of their citizens is stark. The proclamations of economic growth and development often do not align with the on-the-ground realities of unemployment, underemployment, and the struggle to meet basic needs. This disparity calls into question the credibility of the optimistic statistics and projections frequently cited by officials.

The Way Forward: Realigning Priorities for Sustainable Development

For Africa to truly advance economically, a paradigm shift is necessary. The focus must move away from the short-term gains of a select few to the long-term prosperity of the many. This requires a realignment of priorities, with an emphasis on inclusive economic policies, transparent governance, and the responsible stewardship of resources. Only then can the continent begin to address the systemic issues that hinder its economic potential.


The gathering of Africa’s parasitic capitalists in Kigali, Rwanda, serves as a stark reminder of the challenges facing the continent. Their actions and the systems that enable them are significant contributors to Africa’s economic stagnation. It is imperative that African nations confront these issues head-on, fostering an environment where economic growth benefits all citizens, not just the privileged few. As the continent stands at a crossroads, the choices made today will determine the trajectory of its economic future for generations to come.

Africa CEO Forum

The Africa CEO Forum, rather than being a beacon of hope for the continent, has become a symbol of the challenges that plague Africa’s quest for economic independence. The event, cloaked in the language of progress and partnership, serves the interests of a capitalist elite while doing little to uplift the African people. It is time to peel back the layers of this phony gimmick and demand genuine action that will lead to sustainable and equitable growth. Only then can Africa begin to write its own narrative, free from the shadow of imperialism and the self-serving agendas of those who claim to lead it.

Sub Delegate

Joram Jojo
